Monday, July 25, 2011

Right wing extremists shooter Norway

Shooting incidents against the youth camp participants in the Norwegian Labour Party Utoya Island that killed at least 80 people leaving a question. Who is the shooter that sadistic?

Norwegian police on Saturday (07/23/2011), released the name of the suspect gunman, who wore a police uniform during the incident, identified as Andres Behring Breivik, a right-wing extremist.
Norway Police Chief Sveinung Sponheim said it is not clear whether Breivik know has ties with Islamic extremists. However, the 32-year-old man was also seen in Oslo a few moments before the bomb blast in the center of the capital of Norway.
Breivik motivation shooting still unknown youngsters, who saved themselves by going into the water. However, a lot of speculation that mention the goal is a liberal government of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg.
Police have reason to believe that there is a link between the explosions and shooting in Oslo in Utoya. Breivik has businesses in Rena, in eastern Norway. He was allowed to order a large number of ammnium nitrate fertilizer, the basic material used for explosives. Authorities are investigating whether the chemicals used for the bombing in Oslo.
Facebook on behalf Breivik contains information about the Christian religion, political conservatives. Breivik happy hunting, playing video games World of Warcraft and the Modern Warfare 2, also read The Prince's Marchiavelli and book 1984 by George Orwell.
Norwegian authorities believe that the number of tourists in downtown Oslo when a bomb blast occurs, the death toll could be more. However, today many people of Norway on vacation and not at the office on weekends. "Fortunately, the downtown area was deserted at the time," said Stale Sandberg, who works in government offices, just blocks from the office of PM.
American counterterrorism officials say, Norway extremists suspected of involvement in this action. However, Islamic militants, particularly the Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami, or Help Global Jihad, called a number of analysts responsible for the attack. This previously unknown group did not even exist.
There are several possible reasons why the terrorists involved in this terror Norway. In 2004 and 2008, Al Qaeda's number two leader, Ayman al-Zawahri, who is now taking the position of Osama bin Laden, had threatened to Norway for supporting NATO military operations in Afghanistan. Norway sends 550 troops and three helicopters in northern Afghanistan.
Muslim leaders in Norway, Mehtab Afsar, condemned the brutal attack. "This is our country, our homeland," said Secretary General of the Islamic Council of Norway. "I condemn this attack, the Islamic Council of Norway condemns those who are behind this attack," he said. (New York Times / KSP)

Source : Kompas

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