Vice Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Promotion of International Affairs, Tourism, Arts and Culture, Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono (Ibas) denied having shares in Omega film that is currently the sole importer of foreign films after 2 film importing company suspended its activities because of tax arrears imports.
SecretlyIndonesian sidehas been in talkswithResearch InMotion(RIM)as a manufacturerBlackberryso that theybuild afactory inIndonesia.Butit turns outRIMchose to builda factory inMalaysia.
Shooting incidents against the youth camp participants in the Norwegian Labour Party Utoya Island that killed at least 80 people leaving a question. Who is the shooter that sadistic?
Government in the near future will create a new rule related to the frequent occurrence of delay (delay) aircraft in the airline business Indonesia. Flight delays occurred lately mainly on two major airlines, Lion Air and Garuda Indonesia, making passengers uncomfortable.